introductions and such

i've been a lurker and a watcher for a couple of years now, reading and learning from other people's posts, musings and rants.  and i've yearned to be part of the fray for some time, and yet the seemingly draining task of learning software programs, scripting languages, etc had always deterred me from setting up an online home.  it was just a time allotment of learning i could not dream of having for some time.  and then typepad came along (or, more precisely, i came along to typepad).  and in the space of a few days, here i am.  welcome here.

and where is here?

here is a place where i come to articulate more fully things i want to think on more, things i want to remember having thought.  i have several spheres of thought that, like a child of multiple divorces, all warrant definite visitation time from me.  photograpy; how to make a space in yourself and in the world for art; a smattering of critical theory; tea and tea culture (yes, really.  more on that later); aesthetics--and lately, specifically, eastern aesthetics; art and art history of all sorts from cave paintings to andy warhol and beyond; the things my friends teach me; writing and lastly, the various cultural erratta that permeates all of our lives and sometimes, if it's very good, sticks somewhere in the subconscious and rolls around awhile, getting mused over.

oh, and food.  yes food and cookery and making my home smell like the dinner everyone in smelling distance wishes they were having.  food magazines are my shelter porn and weird, hard-to-find ingredients like pomegranate molasses or smoked paprika and exotic cheeses turn me on like...well, like good food should.  simply salivating.

i am a photographer trying to emerge with a definition for such that relates to me.

i am someone who is trying to get better at everything that seems to matter to me: writing, image making, thinking, being a better friend and person.

more structure, and much much more discipline.

i've already put up a few photo albums on the sidebar that i'll write more about later.  and i'll be adding to this site and linking and typelisting away soon.

happy to be here.

i've been a lurker and a watcher for a couple of years now, reading and learning from other people's posts, musings and rants.  and i've yearned to be part of the fray for some time, and yet the seemingly draining task of learning software programs, scripting languages, etc had always deterred me from setting up an online home.  it was just a time allotment of learning i could not dream of having for some time.  and then typepad came along (or, more precisely, i came along to typepad).  and in the space of a few days, here i am.  welcome here.

and where is here?

here is a place where i come to articulate more fully things i want to think on more, things i want to remember having thought.  i have several spheres of thought that, like a child of multiple divorces, all warrant definite visitation time from me.  photograpy; how to make a space in yourself and in the world for art; a smattering of critical theory; tea and tea culture (yes, really.  more on that later); aesthetics--and lately, specifically, eastern aesthetics; art and art history of all sorts from cave paintings to andy warhol and beyond; the things my friends teach me; writing and lastly, the various cultural erratta that permeates all of our lives and sometimes, if it's very good, sticks somewhere in the subconscious and rolls around awhile, getting mused over.

oh, and food.  yes food and cookery and making my home smell like the dinner everyone in smelling distance wishes they were having.  food magazines are my shelter porn and weird, hard-to-find ingredients like pomegranate molasses or smoked paprika and exotic cheeses turn me on like...well, like good food should.  simply salivating.

i am a photographer trying to emerge with a definition for such that relates to me.

i am someone who is trying to get better at everything that seems to matter to me: writing, image making, thinking, being a better friend and person.

more structure, and much much more discipline.

i've already put up a few photo albums on the sidebar that i'll write more about later.  and i'll be adding to this site and linking and typelisting away soon.

happy to be here.

Stacy J. Platt

Stacy J. Platt
